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Become an areon esthetics Brand Ambassador


  • 30% OFF services for 3 months

  • Get a free service for every 5 referrals

  • Receive a personalized discount referral code for your social media and friends.

  • Lifetime 10% OFF services after 3 months

  • Featured on Areon Esthetics social media platforms and website

Responsibilities (3-Month Commitment):

  • Promote Areon Esthetics throughout your social media platforms and community.

  • Post selfies/pictures after your service to social media and tag @areonesthetics

  • Shoutout @areonesthetics on social media

  • Refer Clients to Areon Esthetics (Make sure they use your referral code or have them tell us you sent them!)

  • Use Areon Esthetics exclusively for the chosen service you're promoting

Areon Esthetics has the right to use all photos and/or videos of Ambassador for marketing purposes.

Want to become an Areon Esthetics Brand Ambassador? Apply below!

Are you located in or around Bloomington, IN?
Can you commit to at least 3 months of being an ambassador?
Share your experience with us
How did you hear about us?
How difficult was booking with Areon Esthetics?
Please rate your overall experience with Areon Esthetics?
Very PoorPoorFairGoodAmazing
We understand that getting waxed can be a little nerve wrecking and discomforting. That's why we do our best to make your experience as pleasant as possible. Rate your comfort level during your visit and let us know how we did!
Uneasy, not comfortableSomewhat uncomfortableI felt okComfortableVery Comfortable

Thanks for sharing your feedback!





901 S Rogers St, Bloomington, IN 47404

Suite 204

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  • TikTok
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